The cloture vote on the immigration bill failed tonight. Harry Reid says he’s going to withdraw the bill, which I’ll believe when I see it. AP had this:
The defeat set off a bitter round of partisan recriminations, with Democrats and Republicans each accusing the other of killing it.
Huh? If I were a Republican I’d be shouting from the rooftops that I killed this monstrous boondoggle. It should be a badge of honor.
But keep in mind that enough Democrats joined the Republicans to kill cloture. I think that’s called bipartisan.
Immediate legalization of the status of 12 million illegal immigrants, without first getting control of the flood at the borders, was simply crazy. The American understand the threat to our sovereignty this approach poses, even if most U.S. Senators don’t. The members most assuredly heard from them when they were home on break and even after they got back. It’s called democracy, and it won. At least it did tonight.