Relatives who live in California are considering leaving the state. This LA Times story explains why. Thanks to decades of nanny-state policies and unchecked government spending, the cost of living continues to grow, making life a struggle for middle-class families.

Even though the state is roughly $18 billion in the hole — about 20 percent of general fund spending according to the LA Times — politicians continue to search for an easy, quick fix, including begging the feds for a bailout. (emphasis is mine)

The Legislature’s top two Democrats, Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) and Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez (D-Los Angeles), spent Monday in Washington, pleading for aid from congressional and Obama administration officials. Steinberg said before leaving that their goal was to gather federal commitments for $3 billion to $4 billion.

In other words, big-government politicians refuse to face the consequences of their spending. Now they want you and me to foot the bill for their irresponsible actions.

To add insult to injury, Environment & Climate News reports on what’s ahead for Los Angeles residents. The push for renewable energy could result in electricity rate hikes between 8.8 percent and 28.4 percent. See page 12 of the May issue for the story.