The left rushed to judgment in blaming everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Bill O’Reilly for the shootings at the Holocaust Museum yesterday. That meme began to fall apart, however, when a little research showed that the nutball shooter hated Fox News, neocons, and George Bush.

The notion that he was a deranged right-winger took another hit today when it was learned that FBI agents found the address of the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard in the shooter’s pocket, leading to speculation that the publication was another of his targets. Agents visited the Standard’s office about a mile from the museum yesterday afternoon. For those who don’t know, The Weekly Standard is pretty much THE publication of neocons.

So, if it wasn’t the right that fueled this guy with hate, who was it? One rabbi seems to think Barack Obama had something to do with the rising climate of hate against Jews:

Claiming that “some Jews may be naïve, but we are not stupid” former Navy and Marine Corps officer and Chaplain Rabbi Dr. Morton Pomerantz has blasted Barack Obama for “creating a climate of hate” against Jews. In a breaking story, Pomerantz delivers a blistering assault on president Obama’s troubling and dangerous game of moral equivalency.

Did Obama’s pastor of 20 years, the one who referred to “them Jews” just yesterday, affect Obama’s views on the matter?