I’m wondering why this isn’t getting more media attention. I’ve never been one for the JFK consipracy theories but this one is one that makes sense, at least in theory: The Cubans wanted someone to kill Kennedy. The KGB pointed them to Oswald. LBJ knew the truth but was afraid it would mean war against Cuba, and, therefore, the USSR too. It was kept secret because he feared a right-wing reaction that would keep Democrats out of the White House for two generations.
This report isn’t all unnamed sources either. Al “I’m In Charge” Haig is quoted, identified as a Kennedy and LBJ military adviser (not sure about the accuracy of that; I think Haig was a major or lieutenant colonel about that time). Still, he speaks authoritatively about it.
This could be interesting to watch. Coincidentally, this is a day after the anniversary of Castro’s goons coming out of the Sierra Maestre mountains to take over Havana and send Batista scurrying. Here’s one person’s take on it.