The Guilford County Board of Education will discuss its search for a new superintendent to replace the outgoing Terry Grier at its meeting tonight.

With that in mind, there was a very interesting letter to the editor in today’s N&R, form Steve Flynn of Greensboro:

Enough of the CEO superintendency, please. Enough of only data-driven performance outcomes!

Let principals and teachers be leaders and educators, not only managers and test prep bureaucrats. Of course, that means giving them responsibility.

Enough of the love-in with business. Enough with patronizing community and parents.

More of building connection with community and parents. More of a school board acting democratically on behalf of the governed. More of a school system recognizing democracy ain’t the problem but the solution. More of local media that keep the district’s feet to the fire.

More of a world where schools are a public service on behalf of the children and not data-driven enterprises in search of corporate support.

Flynn has some good points, but I’m not sure where he gets the label “CEO superintendency.” If only. While Grier gets credit for many of his innovative programs, he still never saw a program he didn’t like, at taxpayers’ expense. Just take a look at the Cosby Kids program unveiled yesterday, which appears to be a government-funded education program for the entire family.