This was required at East Chapel Hill High School this week, according to the News & Observer. And the principal didn’t know about it even though it occured “several times” on Wednesday? School clubs are a choice, not a requirement.

The principal of East Chapel Hill High School said a gay-awareness club and its advisers violated school policy Wednesday by holding an assembly that hundreds of English students were required to attend.

Principal David Thaden said in an interview Thursday that he was unaware of the assembly, which was held several times during the day.

Thaden said he planned to talk with the teachers who work with the Queer-Straight Alliance and also the English teachers who brought their students to the assemblies.

Thaden said that any assembly involving material that is not part of the school curriculum must be approved by the administration, and this was not.

“We have pretty strict rules,” Thaden said.

Obviously not. If students want to get involved in this club — or any other of the school’s clubs — on their own time, that is their choice. But to require students to attend during the school day is outrageous, whether it is the gay awareness club, the Harry Potter club, the Christian club, or the dance club.