According to data released today, 85 out of 97 charter schools (88 percent) made AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) under the federal No Child Left Behind law. To make AYP, all student subgroups in a school must score at or above the “proficient” level on state tests.
The results must be approved at the August State Board of Education meeting. Changes to AYP status are possible.
Alpha Academy ? Y
American Renaissance School ? Y
Arapahoe Charter School ? Y
Arts Based Elementary ? Y
ArtSpace Charter School ? Y
Bethany Community Middle School ? Y
Bethel Hill Charter School ? Y
Brevard Academy ? Y
Bridges ? Y
Cape Fear Center for Inquiry ? Y
Cape Lookout Marine Science High School ? Y
Carolina International School ? Y
Carter Community School ? Y
Casa Esperanza Montessori ? Y
Charlotte Secondary School ? N
Charter Day School ? Y
Chatham Charter School ? Y
CIS Academy ? Y
Clover Garden ? Y
Columbus Charter School ? Y
Community School of Davidson ? Y
Crosscreek Charter ? Y
Crossnore Academy ? Y
Crossroads Charter High ? N
Dillard Academy ? Y
East Wake Academy ? Y
Endeavor Charter School ? Y
Evergreen Community Charter School ? Y
Exploris Middle School ? Y
Forsyth Academies ? Y
Francine Delany New School for Children ? Y
Gaston College Preparatory ? Y
Grandfather Academy ? Y
Gray Stone Day School ? Y
Greensboro Academy ? Y
Guilford Prep Academy ? Y
Haliwa-Saponi Tribal ? Y
Healthy Start Academy Charter Elementary School ? Y
Highland Charter Public School ? Y
Hope Elementary School ? Y
Kennedy School ? N
Kestrel Heights School ? N
Kinston Charter Academy ? N
KIPP: Charlotte ? Y
Lake Norman Charter School ? Y
Learning Center ? Y
Lincoln Charter School ? Y
Magellan Charter School ? Y
Maureen Joy Charter School ? Y
Metrolina Regional Scholars’ Academy ? Y
Millennium Charter Academy ? Y
Mountain Discovery Charter ? Y
Neuse Charter School ? Y
Orange Charter School ? Y
PACE Academy ? Y
Phoenix Academy ? Y
Piedmont Community School ? Y
Pine Lake Preparatory ? N
PreEminent Charter School ? Y
Provisions Academy ? Y
Quality Education Academy ? Y
Queen’s Grant Community Schools ? Y
Quest Academy ? Y
Raleigh Charter High School ? Y
Research Triangle Charter Academy ? Y
River Mill Academy ? Y
Rocky Mount Preparatory School ? N
Roxboro Community School ? N
Sallie B. Howard School ? Y
Sandhills Theatre Arts Renaissance School (STARS) ? Y
Socrates Academy ? Y
Southern Wake Academy ? N
Sterling Montessori Academy ? Y
Success Institute ? Y
Sugar Creek Charter School ? Y
Summit Charter School ? Y
The Academy of Moore County ? Y
The Carter G. Woodson School of Challenge ? N
The Central Park School for Children ? N
The Children’s Village Academy ? Y
The Community Charter School ? Y
The Downtown Middle School ? Y
The Franklin Academy ? Y
The Hawbridge School ? Y
The Mountain Community School ? Y
The New Dimensions School ? Y
The Woods Charter School ? Y
Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy ? Y
Tiller School ? Y
Torchlight Academy ? Y
TRIAD Math & Science ? Y
Two Rivers Community School ? Y
Union Academy ? Y
Vance Charter School ? Y
Voyager Academy ? Y
Washington Montessori ? Y
Wilmington Preparatory Academy ? N
Note from DPI: “Beginning with the 2008-09 accountability cycle, results of students’ 1st retest will be used in the calculation of AYP results for grades 3-8. The higher of the two scores, (i.e., the original score or retest 1) will be used to calculate AYP. As a result, 2008-09 AYP results for elementary and middle schools will not be comparable with previous years results.”