I hate surveys. They’re a demonic tool to make people think they originated programmed responses. The only survey I enjoyed was the Buncombe County Libertarian Party’s MALP (Merrimon Avenue Liberation Project). It was as a sarcastic spoof of the City of Asheville’s invitation to the world to should on the people who owned and operated properties along the main drag. Normally, I opt out of surveys because my opinions aren’t among the choices, they attempt to quantify subjectives, and I tend to grade like a Russian judge.

Anyway, the affordable housing survey the City of Asheville will use to shape policy is out. You may participate s’il vous cliquez ici. A major problem is it asks respondents to get into the minds of their neighbors all over the place. One question asks survey-takers to rank the need for affordable housing for a number of specified groups, among which are persons with AIDS. Since when did landlords start asking? The categories overlap, but don’t you think people without a home need affordable housing than those who have one? And, of course, persons with addictions are going to need with housing if their monkeys demand more cash than traditional necessities. Then, for the next question, you’re supposed to go out and survey all the people who “aren’t there” to find out what kind of housing they need to move in to your community. The weird questions go on, but one would have to be some kind of Gladys Kravitz to know the answers to several.