Every now and then, I like to check to see what articles of mine have been picked up and who is writing what about me. Today I find that I am the answer to a class assignment at Plymouth State College. The assignment was titled “Evaluating Online Sources” and it used my article on college graduation rates as a place to check for possible biases.

Part of the correct answer, according to the professor is this:

The author “Shannon Blosser is a contributing editor of Carolina Journal.” It is not clear what expertise he has on this subject.

For the record and to the class at Plymouth State College, I sat on the bench for the most part in Little League, got flagged for offsides on my first play for my 9th grade football team, got knocked over by a girl when playing goalie against a co-ed soccer team (she didn’t score though), and I play something that resembles golf but the USGA isn’t quite for sure. That, and my sports writing days, should give me enough expertise to write that college athletes should graduate from college.