The Polk County Commissioners approved renewing their economic development director’s contract. I am not putting Robert Williamson on trial, but any reader of this blog surely knows what I think of his position. It is in that light that I share some funnies from a very long article in the Tryon Daily Bulletin.

First, I was relieved to hear Commissioner Pat Salomon questioned his $65,000 salary for fulltime work. She said Williamson is president of a company offering keynote speaker services, consulting, workshops, and seminars; as well as running a second business. Salomon had heard Williamson was the only person at those companies, and doubted there was enough of him to go around three fulltime-plus jobs. Williamson refuted the claim, saying he has employees and his international reputation demands his presenting skills on occasion.

The discussion then changed to highlight rosy prospects in light of a number of sad and sorry statistics about poverty, access to employment and education, and other misfortunes running rampant in the county. Williamson said it was his job to “help prepare residents to participate in this new economic boom.” Joe Cooper, chair of the Polk County Appearance Commission, argued on behalf of retaining Williamson’s services.

Salomon said she was interested in what Williamson had accomplished in the world of job creation, as opposed to attending meetings and making PowerPoint presentations.

What businesses has he attracted to the county? How many new jobs has he created? Other than the ill-advised location for a manure composting operation? I hope he does not claim any responsibility for the Tryon International Equestrian Center which has not and will never need his assistance. Shortly after taking this job, he totally discounted the importance of the horse industry to the local economy.