The Minsters Conference of Winston-Salem is planning a forum next week to dicuss the Jill Marker case.

What’s interesting are the differing views of Forsyth DA Tom Keith’s efforts to get to the truth of the matter. Rev. Carlton Eversley, who is both chairman of the conference’s political affairs committee and the Daryl Hunt Project for Freedom and Justice, doesn’t think much of Keith’s efforts:

Eversley said – speaking personally – that he sees the same reluctance in Keith to get to the truth as he showed in the Hunt case.

Eversley said that Keith “seems not to have a deeply compelling sense of urgency for justice for both Mr. Smith and Ms. Marker.”

Hunt, however, doesn’t feel the same way toward Keith, who wasn’t the DA who prosecuted him but nonetheless fought appeals throughout the 18 years Hunt spent in prison for the muder of Deborah Sykes:

…Hunt said he has faith in Keith.

“I honestly believe he wants to do the right thing, and he’s really trying to get to the bottom of it,” Hunt said. “I do believe it’s weighing on him heavily.”