Concord Regional Airport has applied for a $250,000 federal Small Community Air Service Development grant to help start scheduled air service from the airport. And yes, Allegiant Air has expressed strong interest in flying from Concord to points in Florida. Allegiant typically serves leisure markets with flight operating a couple days of the week.
Concord’s application is an interesting read to say the least, and uses very strong language to argue that Concord’s air service interests are distinct from Charlotte’s, and that that big airport that was until very recently run by Jerry Orr has done are a poor job of meeting Concord’s needs. Sample verbiage:
Concord catchment area passengers are forced, almost exclusively, to use Charlotte as their primary airport, with no current local scheduled service. Concord passengers are being suppressed by high fares at Charlotte. These passengers would be best served by local air service, at Concord Regional Airport, rather than an additional competitor at Charlotte.
You can download Concord’s application here.
More later.