Here’s another example of how our elected representatives have become a dysfunctional gaggle of prima donnas, pimps and gangsters. In probably the only sensible thing House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr. has done in his career, he recently announced he would investigate the thug community activist group ACORN. Not so fast:

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr. has backed off his plan to investigate purported wrongdoing by the liberal activist group ACORN, saying ?powers that be? put the kibosh on the idea.

Mr. Conyers, Michigan Democrat, earlier bucked his party leaders by calling for hearings on accusations the Association of Community Organization for Reform Now (ACORN) has committed crimes ranging from voter fraud to a mob-style “protection” racket.

“The powers that be decided against it,” Mr. Conyers told The Washington Times as he left the House chambers Wednesday.

So, who got to Conyers? Rahm Emanuel? Obama himself? Those Black Panther thugs who intimidate voters in their spare time? Did Conyers wake up to find a horse head in his bed? The simple fact that ACORN not only gets a pass for its vote-stealing activities but gets billions in federal tax money to fund its activities shows the extent of the rot in the body politic. Looking at Congress these days is like watching an episode of “CSI” or “Bones.”

MORE: Another question you should ask your member of Congress the next time he’s in town: Will you be on the “public plan” if Obama’s health scam is passed, or will you be on a better one reserved only for the rich and for those who vote on the public plan option. Obama was asked that question on the ABC health care infomercial and he made it clear that Obama care is for everyone else, but not him. I imagine that goes for members of Congress too.