Yesterday during his stint on Bill LuMaye’s WPTF radio show, Fred Singer was challenged by an N.C. State professor–I’m not sure of what–about the issue of whether or not there was a consensus among scientists regarding global warming. The prof/caller argued that there was and that there was no legitimate dispute about whether human induced warming was occurring. The implication was that only a few cooks–like Singer–didn’t by the alarmist line. This lead me to search for a quote that I once read from MIT meteorologist Richard Lindzen, another “cook” like Singer–sorry there is no link.
“With respect to science, consensus is often simply a sop to
scientific illiteracy. After all, if what you are told is alleged
to be supported by all scientists, then why do you have to
bother to understand it. You can simply go back to treating it
as a matter of religious belief, and you never have to defend
this belief except to claim that you are supported by all
scientists except for a handful of corrupted heretics.”
“Climate Alarm, Where Does it Come From”
2004 lecture given in Houston