Minneapolis laid out a big welcome to GOP convention delegates, alternates and guests last night by hosting a reception at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The reception kicked off an exhibit called “CivicFest” that celebrates Minnesota and American history, democracy and the U.S. Presidency.

The centerpiece of the exhibit in the middle of a large exhibit hall was a large replica of the White House that included furniture, doll-house style, in all the official rooms. Other attractions included a live bald eagle — Minnesota is second only to Alaska in the number of bald eagles — music performers, history lecturers, vendors selling McCain-Palin and other GOP merchandise, the C-Span bus where presidential candidates are interviewed on the trail and sets where guests could be photographed descending from Air Force One or sitting in the Oval Office. Buses took the the NC delegates to the reception to and from their hotel near the Metrodome. Several delegates then went to a late-night “Convention Meets Minneapolis” party downtown that was sponsored by local businesses.