This all started in 1981 when the “Star Wars” missile defense system was first conceived. President Ronald Reagan, who was trying to create a defense system, was called the warmonger. Fast forward to 2007. The U.S. and its allies in Europe and Eastern Europe are working on a plan to install a cooperative missile defense system just in case some crazy Islamist country gets its hand on a missile.

So how does paranoid KGB veteran Vladimir Putin react? He tells the world that his missiles can beat any defense system! Professing such a thing sort of implies that you’re ready to actually, you know, fire your missiles at something. He also says that a defense system in Europe would turn the region into a “powder keg.” Uh, whut? Isn’t that like saying using an umbrella will cause a flood?

But what do you want to bet that in the mind of the left and the MSM that Putin will soon be the peacemaker and Bush and the West will be the warmongers. Wait and see.