The crowd at the Rally to Restore Sanity, or the Rally to Restore Hipster Irony, as HotAir’s Ed Morrissey hilariously dubbed it, is overwhelmingly white. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the media for two years has made the whiteness of Tea Party rallies an indictment. Do you think they’ll point that out for this one?

I see lots of signs telling Congress to stop the bickering. That’s rich coming as it does at a rally whose very name implies that anyone who disagrees with you is insane. Haven’t seen an overview shot of the crowd yet, as all the Comedy Central shots are close in, which may tell you something right there.
Morrissey pretty much pegs this event:

Basically, this is a celebration of political laziness masquerading as ironic detachment, which is something generations have enjoyed in their early adulthood without making it an industry.

On top of that, this lefty gathering, a new Woodstock (Ironystock as Allahpundit called it) that is supposed to be the antithesis of the uptight, anti-freedom, Tea Party gatherings, is trying to restrict press access like the Tea Party rallies and Glenn Beck never tried. More irony.

Irony reaches new heights as Comedy Central is going to “strictly prohibit filming” of the Rally to Restore Sanity/March to Keep Fear Alive. PJTV’s Washington Bureau chief Richard Pollock inquired with the Comedy Central’s senior vice president of corporate communications Steve Albani about receiving credentials. Albani claimed that Pollock would not be given credentials because of limited supply, and as such there would be no room on the “press riser” for PJTV’s camera and crew. When Pollock said that he’d be fine with filming not on the press riser, Albani said that filming would be “strictly prohibited” between 3rd and 7th streets on the National Mall (ground zero for the event).

Only a lefty liberals would even dream they could restrict the public from filming and photographing a public event on federal property. This is how these people think. Like Obama.