Add Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s “yes” vote for the congressional health care bill to the stack of evidence for Duke University professor Dan Ariely, who so brilliantly has concluded that people are predictably irrational. Here’s Mr. Kucinich’s rationale for supporting the government’s takeover of one-sixth of the economy:

“Even though…I’ve had some serious differences of opinion with the administration, this is a defining moment for whether or not we’ll have any opportunity to move off square one on the issue of health care,” Kucinich said. “And, so even though I don’t like the bill, I’ve made a decision to support it in the hopes that we can move toward a more comprehensive approach once this legislation is done.”

Compare that to what Rep. Kucinich has been saying about the effort in recent days. Something wonderful must haven taken place aboard Air Force One Monday, when Kucinich flew to Ohio with President Obama. I’d love to know what was discussed. Does Mr. Kucinich really believe he’ll have the post-vote clout to make the changes he wants?