Andrea Widburg of the American Thinker praises a new ad from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as he ramps up his White House bid.
My drumbeat for months now has been that, if the leftist takeover of America is to be stopped before our nation is irreparably damaged, the energy will come from parents. Someone on Team DeSantis understands that and put together one of the best campaign ads I’ve ever seen.
Americans will put up with a lot. Thanks to decades of indoctrination about climate change, they’ve been fairly meek as their standard of living, the highest ever attained in world history, is under perpetual attack. …
… As part of this adaptability, generosity of spirit, and passivity, Americans have become increasingly receptive to gay rights. In my lifetime, we’ve gone from homosexuality being criminalized to its being celebrated. We were all libertarians who felt that, in a free country, people should be free to love whomever they wish and build the families they desire. When the Supreme Court, in 2015, issued its constitutionally unmoored decision supporting same-sex marriage, conservatives grumbled, but everyone got with the program.
And then the left went too far: It began to use so-called transgenderism as the way to break apart the family and turn mutilated, mentally-damaged children into the new foot soldiers for the leftist battle to obtain permanent political power. …
… It turns out that, in America, you can come for our cars, our jobs, our gas stoves, our border, and our military, but don’t you dare come for our children. Suddenly, apolitical people and leftists alike are looking at their healthy, wholesome, innocent little children and saying, “No, you’re not coming for my children.” …
… And that’s where some genius on Ron DeSantis’s campaign came up with possibly the most powerful political ad I’ve ever seen. I’m not saying this to endorse DeSantis. (I’m not endorsing anyone.) I’m just saying this because it is an ad that taps into a parental zeitgeist that is reeling from the establishment’s relentless assault on children.