Taking out Osama bin Laden at a minimum reduces neo-con yapping about the Obama administration’s incompetent foreign policy to a whimper — so long as nothing gets bungled that can rebound back to Obama. I can already hear the Republican dissent.

The economy. The price of gas. Jobs.

Yes, but you weren’t really planning on running on that, now were you? Certainly cannot run against the Obama economic program so many Republicans are complicit in backing — the unwillingness to punch Wall St. in the throat and tell the banksters to take a hike. The gasoline thing is totally playing with fire — over-promise what solution so long as the Fed keeps pumping out dollars to monatize the debt? Jobs? You want to join Obama and the Democrats in making government — the federal blow-stuff up government — responsible for supplying paychecks to workers? There’s a winning voting issue there, oh boy.

It seems crystal clear to me that Republicans now have a great opportunity to say, “Awesome job, Barack. SEAL Team into a terr compound. That is what government is good at — killing people. Now how about we get it out of other lines of work?” That would be principled and put Obama on the defensive.

But somehow I don’t think that is gonna happen. And as a result Republicans may flounder around trying to find a replacement club for the rest of this year and beyond.

Bonus Derp: You watch, someone, somewhere will try to argue that Obama made a mistake in taking out bin Laden in Pakistan.