Meehan said Nifong said, “Go ahead and supply the files.” when Nifong notified him that the discovery motion had been approved. Freedman: He never told you how to testify on the 15th (of Dec.)? Meehan: No.

Freedman reads from the Dec. 15 testimony where Meehan said he and Nifong agreed to reveal only evidence that was related to the lacrosse players. He asks if that is still accurate. Meehan says he tried to respond truthfully on Dec. 15 but may have been unclear. “The interpretations of what I said were sometime not accurate,” he said. Blames a poor choice of words.

Freedman reads from a later deposition in which Meehan tried to explain why he was misunderstood on Dec. 15. Today, just now, he says they did discuss what would be on the report but never told him to exclude any information. Said he tried to make that clear on Dec. 15.

The question is then: Is he lying now or was he lying then? The questioning of Meehan by Brad Bannon on Dec. 15 was the dramatic high point of this entire case, at least in a courtroom, but now Meehan is saying it was all just a misunderstanding. I can’t see Bannon in the TV camera shot but I’m sure he’s fuming.