A new Rasmussen poll finds that a majority of Americans would rather do nothing about health-care reform than see the current monstrosity (that’s my editorializing and in no way attributable to Rasmussen) pass Congress.

This — and a plethora of other polls indicating that President Obama and the Democrats are losing, or have already lost, control over the health-care issue — brings some ironies to mind.

One is the insanity, continued to be perpetuated by the Left, that participants in health-care town hall meetings are either a) crazy right-wing whack jobs who could use Medicare-funded straitjackets, b) mercenaries who are on the doll of big insurance and pharmaceutical companies, or c) both a) and b).

It’s ironic. After Obama’s win in November, liberals trumpeted that the Age of Aquarius was here, that the American people finally had seen the wisdom of radical liberalism, and that the Left would be in control of American government for a generation if not until the second coming (assuming Obama is not the second coming, of course).

Now, suddenly, a majority of the electorate that supposedly voted in Chavez-style socialism in November has morphed into a mob of foaming-at-the-mouth, gun-toting right-wingers…and all in just six months.

No wonder liberals are confused.