The Hagan campaign reacts to the Winston-Salem Journal’s ‘investigation’ into Elizabeth Dole’s time spent in-state with a bit of humor:

Records Show that Dole Spent Paltry 13 Days in North Carolina in 2006; Plenty of other numbers tell the whole story..

….13 – Days Dole spent in North Carolina in 2006, choosing instead to help elect fellow Republicans from other states to the U.S. Senate. She failed.
8 ½ – The size of Dole’s Ruby Red Slippers, confirmed by Dole to Kay when they met on Memorial Day.
3 – The number of political parties Dole has belonged to, changing party ID like some people change their shoes.
2 – The number of days it took for Dole to register as a North Carolina voter after Jesse Helms announced his retirement.
1 – Number of terms Elizabeth Dole will serve in the U.S. Senate.

Is the Journal’s ‘investigation’ hitting on a real issue with everything else going on?