In an interview with The Chronicle, Brodhead made clear how he will explain his spineless reaction to the Duke lacrosse rape allegations last spring:

I’m not going to say today that I know what the lessons would be, but actually, we have just lived through one of the most unprecedented situations in the history of modern universities. It’s not every day that a university has to deal with a case with a district attorney framing the issues in an atmosphere of public certainty far in excess of the evidence that that person has.

This is the same defense I elicited when I posted on the Trinity Park listserv that it was strange that no one was commenting on the exoneration when the listserv was burning with lefty outrage last spring. As one responder to my post said:

I did think at first that I could rely on the impartiality of the district attorney and his office’s statements, and I don’t think this was an unusually naive assumption, although in retrospect it may seem so.

Another responder added the media into the mix:

I, for one, feel like I was naive in believing the DA and the media reports that the guys weren’t cooperating, when it turns out that they were. I’d like to say that I’m sorry for believing them, but looking back, I never knew that these kind of inaccuracies were possible. I am stunned by that.

And then there’s this:

As one who did not rush to judgment in either direction, my main comment is that I find it odd that the attorney general could proclaim them to be innocent. I understand a statement of “I am dropping the charges due to insufficient evidence,” or even “I am dropping the charges because there is NO evidence,” if that is the case. However, it strikes me as inappropriate to declare someone innocent when they haven’t been tried. Maybe we should save the wear and tear on our courts and just let the attorney general decide all the cases.

And the capper:

Well it would appear that they’re innocent of rape. As a group or individuals they remain guilty of being the following:

1) Misogynists who see woman as toys to be rented and used, and who also write emails about killing them.
2) Racist, who yell racist slurs on their front lawn.
3) Homophobic gay bashers, who beat people on public streets.
4) Loud obnoxious drunks who are rude and intimidating to neighbors.

Now, for some odd reason, I believed the victim/accuser over these model citizens. I would do it all over again. Enjoy the victory party Mr. Ham as an African American, I probably wouldn’t be welcome.

So, if you supported the Duke lacrosse players from the beginning because your nose was more attuned to smelling a rat, then you’re a racist. It’s also interesting that all of this faith in the authority of “the Man,” and “the pigs” comes from lefties who excoriated them 35 years ago. Amazing what old age will do to a radical.