Former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, who now leads the Heritage Foundation, writes in the Wall Street Journal about why it is so important to continue to inform about ObamaCare.

There’s a reason Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently claimed that ObamaCare will lead to a single-payer health-care system: It happens to be true. Once employers drop health coverage for their low and middle-wage workers, the majority of Americans will be dumped into tightly regulated health exchanges and granted a “choice” of plans that will be more alike than different. The quality of care will suffer, access to doctors and plans you once had and liked will be reduced, and America will deteriorate into a two-tier health system—one in which the well-off can still buy quality coverage, but most Americans are consigned to poor care through the exchanges and Medicaid.

Here at JLF, health and human services policy analyst Katherine Restrepo writes regularly about the ObamaCare debacle. To follow her work, contact her at [email protected].