Ann Coulter comes out swinging after being ambushed by Elizabeth Edwards on Hardball yesterday. Her latest column pulls no punches, but who expected it would?:

Judging by his fundraising efforts so far, I gather most of you don’t know who John Edwards is — unless you’re an overpriced hair dresser. He’s the trial lawyer who pretended in court to channel the spirit of a handicapped fetus in front of illiterate jurors to scam tens of millions of dollars off of innocent doctors. According to The New York Times, Edwards told one jury: “She speaks to you through me … And I have to tell you right now — I didn’t plan to talk about this — right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She’s inside me, and she’s talking to you.”

Don’t you just love it?

Twenty-four hours after Elizabeth’s ambush of Coulter, John himself finally mustered his courage to the sticking point and came out of hiding. Click here for his smarmy take on Coulter. Is there any politician creepier than John Edwards? I have to ask. He talks about Coulter and hate. Does he remember the daily press conferences of David Bonior and Dick Gephardt following the 1994 takeover of Congress by Republicans. That hate speech, by a former Jesuit priest no less, is many notches above Coulter’s. At least she has a sense of humor.

Coulter ends her column thusly:

From now on, I’m attacking only serious presidential candidates, like Dennis Kucinich.
