To prove a point about the confusing world of English as a Second Language (ESL) talk, I wrote the following sentence, featured in my latest Spotlight:

Instead of using SIOP to teach LEP students in ESL classes, DPI should direct LEAs to follow the recommendations of CRESPAR researchers and use DI to ensure that LEP students score a ?Superior? rating on IDEA?s IPT exam.”

I recently came across the following sentence on the DPI website, which attempted to explain the difference between LEP and ESL:

“LEP” describes a student whose skills in English are limited, and “ESL” describes a language instruction program for students learning English. LEP identification is determined solely by the IPT score, but ESL services are determined by many other factors. Because of that, some LEP students may not receive ESL services, but they must still get IPT tested each spring until scoring Superior in all domains.

I’m jealous. DPI is so much better at this than I am…