Welcome everyone to the latest feature of the John Locke Foundation’s popular home base on the World Wide Web. We hope that The Locker Room will become a lively and informative discussion of the issues, serious and not-so-serious, that we are tracking and studying within the John Locke Foundation family. You’ll start to see this develop over the next few days, so don’t forget to make clicking through to The Locker Room a part of your daily Internet ritual.
Speaking of John Locke Foundation news, I’d also like to call your attention to the latest version of Carolina Journal, our influential journal of news, analysis, and commentary read each month by nearly 20,000 North Carolinians. After more than a decade as a print publication, more than half a decade as a fax and email newsletter, and several years as a popular web site, Carolina Journal has now migrated to the airwaves as “Carolina Journal Radio,” a weekly newsmagazine broadcast on 14 commercial radio stations across North Carolina ? from the mountains to the coast. You can read more about “Carolina Journal Radio” here, and you can also sign up for a weekly missive that will let you know what the topics are going to be that weekend on “Carolina Journal Radio,” the statewide television program “N.C. Spin” where I am a regular panelist, and the Triangle-area TV show “NBC 17 At Issue,” where Carolina Journal‘s Donna Martinez is a weekly participant.
And, of course, free feel to let us know what you think about all this.