Williamson, whether they were exculpatory or not, what do you see as protected as work product?

Nifong: Says if discussion would reveal how a witness would be used at trial, then that should be protected. At least I think that’s what he said. It’s hard to tell.

Williamson: Did you feel your discussions with Meehan were covered in whole or in part by work product protection? Nifong: Yes, I considered some of it to be.

Williamson: But no trial had even been scheduled. Nifong: Yes, but I always look to how I’m going to use a witness in a trial. Again reiterates that he had an obligation to give this info to the defense.

“Clearly, in hindsight, it wasn’t the correct decision.”

Williamson: Did you not take notes intentionally so this wouldn’t be discovered? Nifong: No. Williamson: Then why didn’t you take notes? Nifong: Rambling on about his note-taking philosophy.

Man, if I were a DA i’d record every conversation I had and would archive them for protection.