Clarice Feldman of the American Thinker highlights a critical problem in the nation’s capital.
It is undeniable that the judiciary and juries in the federal courts in the District of Columbia are almost uniformly left-wing partisans, a key part of the post-constitutional era brought into being by former president Obama. I do not know how or whether this can be rectified, although I expect a resounding victory for Republicans in 2024 followed by a congressional reshaping of the jurisdiction of these courts and their staffing may be the only solution. If you are unaware of the seriousness of this, it’s because the press has almost uniformly failed to cover this fairly, and, indeed, has been full participants in the multiple hoaxes which provide cover for these juridical travesties. The local bar, sadly, seems to okay with this. While big firms rushed to defend Gitmo detainees, I am unaware of a single firm volunteering to help the almost 600 defendants rounded up by the Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District, Matthew Graves. Nor am I aware of a single local practitioner who has raised an alarm that due process is unavailable in the District for Republicans. …
… [I]t is evident that Judge Chutkan has no interest in conducting a fair trial. The judge has set a March 4 trial date (the day before Super Tuesday). This is a time frame that will be impossible for the defense to meet. For one thing, they’ve just been handed 12.8 million discovery documents by the prosecution, an amount of material to review and prepare a response to in a time frame which is grossly inadequate. “DOJ could not name a single case in DC District that went from indictment to trial in 5 months,” In fact, numerous J6 defendants have been confined to the DC jail without trial for over two years. …
… How is it that so many people, apparently including those in the judiciary, have such a distorted view of Trump and his supporters? Scott Adams has an answer. They’ve repeatedly been hoodwinked by multiple Dem-Media Hoaxes.