It has now been effectively drilled into my head that this democracy elects omnipotent leaders to force their visions and priorities on the citizens. The main principle underlying government’s vision is taxing the middleclass into the underclass to support the vices that drag the shiftless into poverty. Government’s secondary duty is synergizing vibrancy. Since nobody knows what this means, nobody knows how much is enough, so the process, like a night in white satin, “never reaches the end.”
Asheville can almost expect a tax increase next year. This year, the city pursued $35 million in water bonds. The mayor finds it deplorable that the private sector has to raise funds for centers of cultural enrichment and so wants to establish a capital improvements fund. Affordable housing must be subsidized, and the idea of government owning land on which people can rent homes sounds good to several in office. A parks and recreation master plan is underway, which could conclude that the city is very wanting in amenities. Asheville even has a committee on committees, and government planning is already growing out of everybody’s ears. When all is said and done, there won’t be anything left for public safety and infrastructure – the kind that is needed for the CHILDREN – and so, yes, taxes need to go up.
Things in Hendersonville are not that different. The tax-producing material, known as voters, was too stupid to approve the land transfer tax. Even though it was to help the CHILDREN by improving schools, greedy taxpayers didn’t want to contribute. So the astute editorial staff of the Hendersonville Times-News suspects the taxpayers will be paying for better schools for the CHILDREN one way or another.
I wish George Washington would stop spinning in his grave (last count: 18,000 ave, and 384,000 peak rpm) long enough to come back and put government back in its cage with a sign that says, “Do Not Feed the Monster.â€