All those North Carolina cities, including Durham, Hillsborough and Chapel Hill, that have signed the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement might want to consult someone other than the usual tree-hugger suspects that attend their meetings. I’m amazed at the lack of skepticism and, worse, the lack of common sense, shown by our municipal officials as they run lemming-like over the cliffs of global warming hysteria.
Did none of these esteemed honorables ever take a scientific methodology course in college? Do they know what epistemology means? Do they know why college professors always say, “I would argue…” rather than “I would insist….”? It’s because the dominant paradigm has been known to be absolutely, positively wrong. Many times. “The world is flat!” “The sun revolves around the Earth.” “Communism works!” These are just a few certainties that have been proved wrong. And the notion that humans are causing global warming has much less support than those old certainties. You just won’t ever see it in the media.
But read this, all you mayors and council members who want to feel good about being green. It’s research by Swedish scientists that captures all the ambiguity in this area of knowledge. It discusses a see-sawing of climate from hot to cold over the past 10,000 years, long before industrialization, huge populations and that infernal internal combustion engine.
They aren’t ruling out man-made global warming influences, but they’re also talking about possible global cooling. What this shows is that the science is much less settled than laymen, demagogues and Chicken Little zealots would have you believe. My advice: Hang loose and don’t panic. Oops. Too late.