The head of the N.C. Republican Party hopes his national counterpart will step down.

Tom Fetzer released today a letter he’s written to Michael Steele. Here’s the first paragraph:

I have prayed for you and hurt with you these last few weeks. I thank you for the passion you have brought to the job of leading our party, which is one of the reasons I have been a strong supporter of you during my tenure as Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party. Some of the criticism directed at you has been deserved, some of it hasn’t, but no one could criticize you for lack of effort or enthusiasm. This is not about finding fault or assigning blame. That’s beside the point. The point is to deal with the reality of a situation that is becoming increasingly untenable. Without going into a lot of detail about the situation we find ourselves in, I offer my personal opinion that the best way for you to deal with the reality of the situation is to tender your resignation as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. I neither arrived at this conclusion lightly nor derive any pleasure from articulating it to you.