Before shutting down its two-and-a-half-day hearing into possible
campaign finance law violations, the N.C. Board of Elections had some
final comments.
Chairman Larry Leake said:
This board has the ability to further explore those poliical
action committees, has certain administrative remedies which it could
take against those political action committees, but it cannot take any
of those remedies without first consulting with the district attorney.
As to those committees, we have not had any such consultation with
regard to any penalties we might impose of a civil nature. In addition,
as to all individuals and entities other than Dr. Edwards and former
Rep. Decker, our investigation and inquiry will be ongoing and
continue. Those two gentlemen, by their actions, have in essence
brought to a close that which we can do in terms of inquiring with
regard to their conduct.
Leake says the board will not reconvene next week, but the hearing will resume by mid-March.
Republican board member Charles Winfree had some harsh words for some of the participants in the hearing:
I’ve been extremely disappointed for the last three days to hear
what I interpret as complete disregard for our election laws and a
corrupt attempt, in my opinion, to prevent the public from knowing the
source and recipients of contributions and to exceed the limits. So I’m
glad to support your motion and look forward to a hearing soon on
penalties that may be applied to the affected campaigns.
REMINDER: To find out more go to Who’s Who at the Board of Elections.