I don’t believe in politicizing the First Lady, so I’ve tried really hard to give Michelle Obama the benefit of the doubt in her effort to make everyone —-especially kids —eat healthier.

But read this and you can only come to one conclusion….

The discussions are preliminary, and participants say they are nowhere near an agreement like the one Mrs. Obama announced recently with Wal-Mart to lower prices on fruits and vegetables and to reduce the amount of fat, sugar and salt in its foods. But they reveal how assertively she is working to prod the industry to sign on to her agenda.

…But as she uses her public platform to persuade children to eat healthier and exercise more, Mrs. Obama and her team are also quietly pressing the levers of industry and government. Over the past year she has become involved in many aspects of the nation’s dietary habits, exerting her influence over nutrition policy.

…That Mrs. Obama is as committed as her husband to bringing the strong arm of government down on every aspect of our lives.