One of the more erudite observers from the left had some interesting comments in his latest file. Aside from the lamentations for more government spending from our woefully inept GA leaders he had this to say:

“The tax package does include the inadequate 25-cent increase in the state cigarette tax, which will raise $142 million, but is not enough to have a significant effect on teenager smokers. ”

But Chris should really research his allegation that prices influence teen smoking beyond the rhetoric:
For example, research has shown that when cigarette prices increase, fewer teens smoke. However, other studies have shown that the price of cigarettes does not influence whether teens smoke. Similarly, several studies have established a link between cigarette advertising and promotions and increased teen smoking, but this relationship remains controversial. Moreover, little work has been done to compare the relative importance of cigarette prices, cigarette advertising and promotions and public policies on teen smoking. (from the University of San Diego, California)

He also states, “There is no money for HIV/AIDS, nothing for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program, nothing for AIDS prevention program. Word of the devastating epidemic must not have made it to the budget backrooms.”

I always love this one as I’ve been involved in Cancer awareness and funding for over a decade. In 2003 there were 18,000 deaths due to AIDS in the US. Cancer deaths exceeded 570,000. Just pulling Breast Cancer gives a US total of 41,000 deaths and that’s second behind lung cancer. (CDC numbers)

Why isn’t Fitzsimon as concerned? Far more prevalent, far less understood, and not nearly as preventable but cancer isn’t as important and doesn’t even make the file. But the larger point is that both AIDS and Cancer are Federal and volunteer efforts.

The budget is a sham not so much for what it funds, but that it doesn’t require any accountability for the funding. At least the left and right should agree on that first.