Rod Blagojevich’s trial should be the above-the-fold lede of every paper in the country. We have nothing less than a political show trial underway in which the presiding judge is doing everything possible to keep Barack Obama out of his courtroom — no matter what witnesses and the evidence might say.

At a minimum Obama reached out through union officials to indicate that Valerie Jarrett was his choice to take his senate seat. What is at issue — and what federal prosecutors and Judge James Zagel are positively loathe to entertain — is if Obama directly or indirectly offered anything to Blagojevich in exchange for picking Jarrett. Simple, eh?

Not in Chicago and not with our deeply flawed federal criminal justice system. Not with the fake media circus at the White House, which can’t even nail down a blatant contradiction of the Obama line that he had nothing to do with Blagojevich’s selection process for the seat. “You’re telling me about this testimony. I’m not going to get into commenting on obviously an ongoing trial. And I have had not had an opportunity to see that,” Robert Gibbs lied to the press corps yesterday.

And speaking of lies, go read through the transcripts of the FBI wiretaps of Blago and tell me what a farce American government has become.

Update: A blogger at Time of all places, has started to connect the dots.