Discussion of the Peterson trial and Freda Black’s prosecution of it. She was his opponent in the DA’s race. Brocker: She got substantial media attention from that trial, correct? Nifong: Yes.
Brocker: You saw that this case would garner a lot of publicity and on March 24 you called the DPD and told them you’d be taking over this case. Nifong: Yes.
Now looking at his calendar. Shows appointments by media people, N&O, WNCN, WTVD, Herald-Sun, WPTF. Also Rita Cosby of MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, O’Reilly Factor, Good Morning America producers. Nifong: I never appeared on GMA but they came to talk to me.
Brocker is obviously going for the media-jealousy motive here.
Brocker: You were in a hotly contested primary at this time were you not? Nifong: Yes.
Looking at a poll from the Freda Black campaign showing Black with 37 percent of the vote and him with 20 percent. Since it was a three-way race Black was only three percent from winning the race since you only need 40 percent to win a multi-candidate primary.
OMG. He just called the People’s Alliance a “moderate to liberal” group. They’re unadulterated socialist!
Now going through Durham’s dysfunctional political-action committee politics. Depressing.
Brocker points out the poll was dated the same day he began giving all his interviews.
Brocker: You fired Freda Black immediately, right? Nifong: That’s a personnel matter. She resigned.
Brocker: But the day you became DA she was gone, right? Nifong: Yes. And that was my decision.
Brocker: You’ve worked in the DA’s office for 28 years and you knew if Ms. Black won you’d be gone? Nifong: I knew that if she were elected I wouldn’t want to work in the DA’s office.
Brocker: And you and your wife loaned a significant amount of money to your campaign. Nifong: He loaned $5,000. His wife charged stuff to her credit card and the treasurer paid her receipts from the campaign treasure.
Exhibit 18 at issue. Witt objects. Williamson says he’ll have to see it to rule. They’re getting it for him.
They move on.