Can anyone identify the language pasted below?

Z Wikip?die
Helmut Kuhn (* 22. marec 1899 – ? 2. okt?ber 1991) bol nemeck? filozof, soci?lny antropol?g a estetik. Usiluje sa o spojenie transcendent?lnej a fenomenologickej met?dy a o integr?ciu r?znych antropologick?ch smerov.

October at the Pope Conference, Jerry Martin read a  remarkable
quote by Mussolini extolling relativism. Prof Martin said he found the
quote in a book by his philosophy professor Henry Veatch “The Rational
Man”.  So I want to my favorite out of print & used
bookseller: and got that book for about $4. His
reference to the quote lead me to an older book – which I now have here
at the office. It is by Helmut Kuhn, called Freedom Forgotten and
Remembered published in 1943 in Chapel Hill.  Today I realized I
have an autographed copy by Kuhn written in the same strange language
as above, which I found after googling for Helmut Kuhn.  Kuhn’s
philosophy book of 1943 seems to be as much relevant today as Hayek’s
Road to Serfdom written in the same period – a warning to us of how we
can lose freedom – first in our mind.