My Carolina Journal Online column this morning arguing that a Gore presidency would have been better on federal spending than Bush has been must have gotten on some kind of national list or blog entry. Mail is flowing in, most rather hateful (and from people who obviously didn?t read the piece). Here is an edited sampling:

???Great piece! I just can’t get over how you guys come up with such great satire column after column. A Gore presidency! Whoda thunk!?

???Did you fall and land on your head? You must be joking, right?

Have you listened to this lunatic that came so close to being President? He has a mental problem much like Jimmy Carter. He should have his passport revoked while he is out of the country lying and trashing it. This man borders on treason with his lies and accusations. Either you are a loony left wing nut like so many other media people, or you did this as a joke. Whatever the reason, it is not funny, it is frightening!?

? ?Did you hear Al Gore making nice with the Saudi’s? You are sick man, but then it takes one to know one.?

[ed.: is the emailer condemning herself here or just confused?]

???I agree that a Gore presidency, locking horns with “fiscally conservative” Republicans in Congress would have resulted in less spending. But we will never know. Just as likely as “gridlock”, there would have been no tax cuts helping to fuel a significant economic recovery and Gore would have fussed about which power tie to wear to a surrender to al Qaeda. I’ve heard the argument that he would have been as tough as Bush. There is a compound word I would use to reply and it begins with “bull”.?

? ?A man who trashes this country on foreign soil and encourages terrorism definitely would not have been better in the White House.Get real and back the war on terrorism. I am a current resident of Saudi Arabia – 23 years now and I know first hand what these people want to do to us.

[name withheld]
Coord. Sr. VP staff
Aramco Oil
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia?

???Wouldn’t it ba a shame for some hip hop’n nigger put two in your sniveling gutless chest during some useless car jacking? No one in America would care but I would love it. So eat sh** hood, you c**k****ker..did I mention gutless.?