Don does an excellent job in today’s online CJ in trying to lay out an extremely complex story about the Tall Ship’s Event, the Friends of the Museum group, the State Auditor’s report and the NC Council of State’s involvement in a land purchase.
In spite of the complexity of the story, the central, unresolved question is whether the council of state (executive branch) has the right to spend taxpayer money? The legislature has that strict authority.
Overly simplified, the state acquired property for a non-profit, who then borrowed money against the property, had no way to pay it back and then had the Governor purchase the property with all the debt and without the clear right to do so.
The Attorney General’s Office is so nervous that their response to minority leader Rep. Skip Stam carries the following escape clause, “This is an advisory letter and has not been approved in accordance with the procedures for an Advisory Opinion of the Attorney General.“
So, why won’t Cooper’s office give an official opinion on this matter?