Guilford County Schools will hold a public hearing on its proposed 2010-11 budget. The Rhino’s Paul Clark has your school budget primer.

A major issue is the —gasp —— 25 positions Superintendent Mo Green proposes to eliminate. You guessed it —- only one of those positions are filled. County commissioners had a few questions about Green’s strategy:

Given the possible numbers of layoffs in other school systems such as Charlotte’s, Green’s plan to eliminate 25 positions, only one of which was filled, didn’t sound like fat-cutting to the commissioners. Those 25 positions are a quarter of one percent of the Guilford County Schools workforce.

Steve Arnold, the vice chairman of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners, asked Green, “So, of the 25, you only have one person that stands to lose their job and will have to go home?”

Davis followed immediately with, “There’s no savings in that.”

Green replied, “There is savings in that.”

As you can probably imagine, commission chairman Skip Alston had a few choice words, saying the schools system needed to do like the county —- get “100 percent effort for 100 percent pay,” which ” might not be true for all the school system’s programs.”