Note that commenter ‘Stromy’ earlier this week compared local boards of education to drug addicts addicted to fed handouts. He was right on target:
Once almost entirely a local endeavor, school systems in recent years have been funded primarily by state and local governments, with the federal government contributing through programs such as Title I for schools with a high percentage of students from low-income families. The combination of the federal No Child Left Behind Act, passed under former President George Walker Bush; the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, passed under President Barack Hussein Obama, and numerous federal school improvement programs will result in the federal government picking up more of the tab for public education.
That combination will also result in the federal government making many decisions about education that were once made by state education departments or by local school boards. What’s happening, at least for those states and school systems willing to take the federal money, is a seismic shift in power upward toward the federal government when it comes to education.
Still, “Guilford County Schools is quite prone to heartburn, the metaphor school board members and administrators most frequently use to describe tough funding decisions.” Please.