The N&O cites a court filing by Kevin Geddings lawyer in reporting that federal prosecutors want the Charlotte consultant to serve eight years on his mail fraud conviction.

Told ya these guys weren’t fooling around.

If four years for Michael Decker didn’t scare the bejesus out of Jim Black and his gang, eight years for a clueless flunkie like Geddings sure would. Recall that Black, as far as anyone knows, still denies he did anything wrong. After he pled guilty, Black maintained that he only did so because he ran out of money with which to mount a defense.

Judges generally like to hear convicts express some remorse, not continued defiance.

In other kleptocracy news, Decker told a Winston-Salem TV station that he went to Black with the idea to switch parties and get paid for it. This is very interesting.

Why would Decker do that? What made him think Black would say yes? Not immediately turn him in for soliciting a bribe?

As we’ve said for years now, it was an open secret in the General Assembly as well as in certain circles in Charlotte that Black would do, and had done, just about anything for political power. He had many, many enablers and conspirators in that regard.

And some deserve exactly what hapless Kevin Geddings is getting — maybe more so.