Here is George Will at his best on the recent Supreme Court decision striking down student school assignments based on race.  The entire article is well worth reading.

Why race? Although progressive people would never stoop to racial
stereotyping, they evidently believe that any black or other minority
child, however young, or from whatever social background, makes a
predictable and distinctive — you might say stereotypical —
contribution to “diversity.”

Breyer said that last week’s decision abandons “the promise of Brown.”
Actually, that promise — a colorblind society — has been traduced by
the “diversity” exception to the Equal Protection Clause. That
exception allows white majorities to feel noble while treating blacks
and certain other minorities as seasoning — a sort of human oregano —
to be sprinkled across a student body to make the majority’s
educational experience more flavorful.

This repulsive practice merits Clarence Thomas’ warning in his opinion
concurring with last week’s ruling: Beware of elites eager to
constitutionalize “faddish social theories.” Often, they are only
theories. As Roberts said, Seattle and Louisville offered “no evidence”
that the diversity they have achieved (by what he has called the
“sordid business” of “divvying us up by race”) is necessary to achieve
the “asserted” educational benefits.

Evidence is beside the point. The point for race-mongering diversity tinkerers is their professional and ideological stake in preventing America from achieving “a colorblind mentality.”