I just spent too long at the House Appropriations Committee learning
how the House would increase spending in the coming fiscal year by a
full 10 percent, no even counting three bonds before the Finance

A New York Times interview with George Soros was just what I needed. Some excerpts

NYT: [W]hy didn’t you give more money to Democratic causes?
GS: You can’t buy the elections.


GS: … I am really concerned about America. In a way, we have the wrong
leadership. But we also have the wrong followership. People don’t care
about the truth.


NYT: I thought you went too far when you compared the Bush
administration to the Nazi regime
, with their reliance on propaganda
and the politics of fear. As a Holocaust survivor, surely you can see
the difference between them?

GS: It is not identical at all, but our open society is endangered. We
live in a democracy. I live here because here I can be critical. In
Hungary, I lived under false names. I didn’t open my mouth.


NYT: If all your ideas about regulation were put into place, could you still profit?
GS: I would say I would probably lose out.

NYT: So you think you have made too much money?
GS: No. Not enough, not enough.