1. What is the greatest challenge facing Charlotte today?
Mudge: We’re losing our young people to drugs, alcohol, gangs and murder. That’s why I’m a member of the Drug Free Charlotte Coalition, working with Fighting Back, Mecklenburg County Chemical Dependency Center, Substance Abuse Prevention Services and Mothers of Murdered Offspring.
2. Which is your higher priority — Making Charlotte a great place to live or making Charlotte a great place to visit?
Mudge: I want Charlotte to be a great place to live, free from drugs, gangs and other crimes. It’s no use having all these ‘glamour’ projects, some against the tax-payer’s vote, if you need armed guards to visit Charlotte.
3. Do you support or oppose the repeal of half-cent transit tax for transit?
Mudge: I definitely support REPEAL of the transit tax. The so-called light rail is a ‘sinkhole’ for the tax-payer and will have to be subsidized by the tax-payer because of low ridership. Increasing rail lines will just increase how much we have to pour ‘down the drain.’Buses can be improved, and could allow advertising to defray costs. If needed, buses could make runs to Huntersville etc during rush hour
4. Identify at least one segment/department/fund of city government that might be a candidate for cost savings.
Mudge: Immediately we could discontinue the light rail projects, unless the South Corridor rail proves self-sustaining. Another area is to eliminate BizHub; there are voluntary agencies in Charlotte that are eager to provide this service for free.
5. Given the new change in state law allowing tax increment financing to be used to build schools and parks, do you support exploring interlocal agreements which might be used to help build schools/parks in the city?
Mudge: This is just a sneaky way to get around tax-payers & raise taxes without their vote. It’s nice to have parks & we need new schools but let’s not do an ‘end-run’ around the guy stuck with the bill.
A big thank you for your response. John Lassiter will be up next.