Former U.S. House speaker and potential 2012 Republican presidential aspirant Newt Gingrich uses his latest Human Events column to call for the repeal of one-year-old ObamaCare:
The Obama administration and other Democratic leaders stated that once the bill was signed into law, the American people would see its benefits andcome around to supporting it, and any issues with the law that needed to be tweaked could be fixed along the way.
The reality has been almost totally the opposite.
The latest Rasmussen poll shows that 53% of Americans favor repealing the law versus 42% who oppose repeal. The numbers amongst independents are higher, with 56% favoring repeal.
That’s about the same percentage of people who opposed the bill one year ago, showing that the passage of time has not changed the way Americans see the law.
A Gallup poll also shows that a plurality of Americans believe the healthcare law is going to make their healthcare and the care of their fellow Americans worse, rather than better.
At this one year anniversary, it is clear that ObamaCare does not age well with the American people. And it’s about to get a whole lot worse.