Yes! Now the religious environmental movement claims Polar Bears are eating one another due to global warming.

From FoxNews:
Environmentalists contend shrinking polar ice due to global warming may lead to the disappearance of polar bears before the end of the century.

The Center for Biological Diversity of Joshua Tree, Calif., in February 2005 petitioned the federal government to list polar bears as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act.

“Cannibalism demonstrates the effect on bears”, said Kassie Siegal, lead author of the petition.

“It’s very important new information,” she said. “It shows in a really graphic way how severe the problem of global warming is for polar bears.”

Deborah Williams of Alaska Conservation Solutions, a group aimed at pursuing solutions for climate change, said the study represents the “bloody fingerprints” of global warming.

“This is not a Coca-Cola commercial,” she said, referring to animated polar bears used in advertising for the soft drink giant. “This represents the brutal downside of global warming.”

As brutal as predator canibalism is, it has been observed in numerous other species including lions, wolves and most other higher members of the food chain, sometimes for food, sometimes for dominance. With additional study of certain animals, including polar bears, we’ll discover more about them. One shoud not leap to the conclusion that it’s caused by global warming. Until the bear actually says, “Well, you see, I was ticked off because the ice was melting so I killed that bear so you guys would stop it.” I’ll remain skeptical.