Lynn Bonner of the News & Observer has reaction to the plan here. Speaking of the plan, when you donate more, you get more!

$20 donation – two 10 point credits for two separate exams

$30 donation – the above and a pass to a 5th period dance

$60 donation – the above and a pizza party with a friend

$75 donation – the above and your picture taken with the principal or teacher

$100 donation – the above and the student may attend the 5th period dance with a date (choose one: administrative assistant, janitor, cafeteria worker, substitute teacher, teacher’s assistant, media coordinator, secretary, bookkeeper, messenger, office machine operator, clerk, stenographer, court transcriber, hearing reporter, statistical clerk, dispatcher, license distributor, payroll clerk, bus driver, mechanic, repairer, electrician, heavy equipment operator, stationary engineer, skilled machine operator, carpenter, compositor/typesetter, garage laborer, car washer, greaser, gardener, groundskeeper, maintenance worker, or security guard)

$150 donation – the above except the student many attend the 5th period dance with a teacher, administrator, or guidance counselor

$200 donation – the above except the student many attend the 5th period dance with the superintendent, a deputy/associate/assistant superintendent, school business official, director or administrator of district-wide program, psychologist, psychometrist, psychiatrist, psychological-social worker, school consultant, non-classroom teacher, dentist, speech therapist, school social worker, community worker, attendance officer, attorney, architect, engineer, registered nurse, computer programmer/operator, film inspector, projectionist, graphic artist, drafter, engineering aide, nurse (licensed, practical, or vocational), dietitian, photographer, radio operator, scientific assistant, or technical illustrator

$250 donation – the above and the student gets a $50 dollar Olive Garden gift certificate toward an after-school date with any of the above school employees

$500 donation – the above and the date to the Olive Garden is unchaperoned (teacher donations prohibited)

H/T: RaymondSims, AdrianHands, NC DPI